BMAROP0003 - WinterStorm1803
Fig 1
BMAROP0001 - WinterStorm1803

Rivers can be “agents of History”. Places and landscapes, culture, technology, literature and music have been intrinsically shaped by their presence, in mutual relation with humans and their usage of natural resources. Rivers also act as powerful natural elements as a source of life and destruction. Their margins and riverbeds have always been places of worship and philosophical construction, uniting and separating humanity.
Knowing and valuing rivers means also getting to know our local cultures while learning their role as primordial sources of life, guardians of water and the basis for the Planet’s sustainability.
In an innovative and collaborative approach towards heritage, we invite you to travel around Portugal, Turkey, Romania and Spain, to know the communities around the rivers and streams by experiencing their heritage in their own words, images and sounds.
This is a collaborative and shared platform, in which each of us may tell our own history regarding the rivers of our experiences, communities, and identities.

Living River Cultural Community Archive Forms

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.